1.insert into base values('崑山區',2.3,79,3700,3444,7581),('南台區',1.2,51,4600,2481,20082); 2. update base set man=man*1.2,woman=woman*1.2 where aname='崑山區'; 3.select * from wc where comp='烏山頭淨水場' order by dirty desc 4.select met as 建材,sum(price) as 總交易價格 from tland group by met having sum(price)<50000000 order by sum(price) desc 5.select base.aname as 區 ,(base.man+base.woman)/sum(tland.wn) as 每一交易衛浴人口 from tland,base where tland.aname=base.aname group by base.aname order by (base.man+base.woman)/sum(tland.wn) desc limit 3 offset 1 6.select tland.Ltype as 使用分區 ,sum(tland.Larea/base.area) as 每平方公里總土地交易面積 from wc,base,tland where wc.aname=base.aname and base.aname=tland.aname and wc.h=8.1 and wc.comp='烏山頭淨水場' and wc.cday='10702' group by tland.Ltype order by sum(tland.Larea/base.area) desc 7. select base.aname as 區 ,avg(tland.price/tland.Larea) as 平均土地售價 from tland,base where tland.aname=base.aname and base.man>base.woman group by base.aname order by base.aname asc 8.select distinct wc.comp as 淨水場 from base,wc where base.aname=wc.aname and (base.man+base.woman)/base.house<3 9.select tland.org as 管理組織 ,sum(tland.floor) as 總交易樓層 from tland,base where tland.aname=base.aname and base.woman+base.man>100000 group by tland.org