1. insert into buser values('test','學生','男',19); 2. update article set readcnt=readcnt+2 where title='開站囉!' ; 3. select days as 砍文章天數,count(*) as 討論區數目 from board group by days order by count(*) desc 4. select * from buser order by age asc limit 1; 5. select max(readcnt) as 最高閱讀次數 from article ; 6. select buser.sex as 性別,sum(article.readcnt) as 總閱讀數 from buser,article where buser.uid=article.uid group by buser.sex order by sum(article.readcnt) desc 7. select uid as 作者,sum(readcnt) as 總閱讀數 from article where score>9 group by uid order by sum(readcnt) asc 8. select buser.level as 身份,count(*) as 討論區個數 from board,buser where board.adm=buser.uid group by buser.level order by count(*) DESC 9. select board.stype as 分類,avg(article.readcnt) as 平均閱讀次數 from article,board,buser where article.bid=board.bid and buser.uid=article.uid and buser.level='教師' group by board.stype order by avg(article.readcnt) asc 10. select uid,age from buser where uid like '%n%' ;